smiley face

Thursday, December 31, 2009
Book exchange pie.bob
Hey so as you have already figured out by now pielover and I are really good friends and we both lve books so we decided to do a book exchange. I gave her where the red fern grows, little women, watership down, Harriet the spy, and walk two moons. She gave me Animal farm, skellig, magicians guild, novice, and the high lord. We have to write a paragraph for each book we read and we will post these reviews/summaries on our seperate blogs. If you want you can read these books tooand email us what you think at Thanks! Bye!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Good morning everyone! today is christmas eve! i am sooooooooooooo excited! my family has this tradition that we open one present on christmas eve. i chose the present that i am going to open. it is the smallest one that is for me. i always try to choose the smallest present and then save the bigger ones for tomorrow. just wanted to check in and tell you guys about my wacky traditions. toodles! ;-)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i have nothing else to do so i think i will write poems:
i hate being bored.
sitting and doing nothing
dulls my day to death.
some couplets:
yesterday i felt sick
it made me feel ick!
today i feel okay
i just wanted to say...
today i am bored
i think i just snored!
a limerick
i finished my book last night
i was kind of about a knight.
i was tired,
but i stayed up and read and tried to feel wired
it took all of my might.
well as you can see i don't think being a poet is for me but it was fun writing these
Hi everyone!
I wasn't feeling so well last night and i went to bed early at 9:45 and i woke up at 8 to ten. i feel very rested but not as rejuvenated as yesterday. today i plan on not doing anything very interested. i am ticked though... i made an awesome nature video but blogger won't let me put it on my blog...... i'm gonna try again later though. :( I am so pumped for christmas! from my granparents i have 3 10 dollar itunes cards and i am so excited to buy some music! i was wondering if you guys would think it would be cool where i would sum up my whole day in a haikou? what do you think please leave me a comment to tell me what you think of this idea. Happy Holidays!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A New Day
good morning everyone! i woke up this morning and i felt so ready for the day, just like i felt like it was great to live life. i want to do something important today. so i have big news! i am working to get pie lover to come and write a review on this blog!!!! :) i can hear the limited amount of people who read this cheering! i know, it is so cool right! i am really excited and i hope that she will come here and write a review. i am really energized today!
Monday, December 21, 2009
how many.....
hi everyone. i was wondering how many people read this blog and i was wondering if you read this post if you would comment. you don't have to say anything. to let me know that you read this post but you don't wanna say anything in your comment then just say chicken pot pie. thanks, bye!
This is funny
Hi, to the sparse readers of this blog. I was bored and hungry tonight before dinner and while dinner was being created I just decided to write randomly what came into my head. I read it to my friend and he said that it was pretty funny and that I should put it on my blog, so here I am, putting it on my blog:
Hi how are you today? My day is really good so far. We are about to eat chicken parmesan and I am sooooooo hungry! When do you think dinner is going to be ready? 6 minutes? That seems like a while away. I am just going to have to battle through these next 6 minutes…… I’M STILL HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!! She just said chicken with brown butter and capers! Is she trying to have me die because of all this good food she is talking about but we can’t have at this moment? I am just going to have to pig out in about five minutes because it has been about a minute. I wonder what the meaning of life is?.......... I bet it is to eat as much as you can because you are so hungry!!!!! I am going to ask if I can have egg nog with dinner. No, rats! I wonder why that cheesecake she is talking about wasn’t sweet???????? I am hungry. Only three minutes more to wait! This is entertaining. I get to have sourdough bread with dinner. Mmmmmmmmmm…….. I just learned where the lids for insulated cups live. The place is marked by my doctor Seuss like bird house. That was fun to make. My bird house was the most original and wacky looking in my whole art class. In art this year we are making abstractions. I have to go and help get ready for dinner. Bye!
Now isn't that ridiculous!? Happy Holidays everyone and please vote on my polls because 2009 is running out and I still can't decide what to buy on itunes. Thanks!
Hi how are you today? My day is really good so far. We are about to eat chicken parmesan and I am sooooooo hungry! When do you think dinner is going to be ready? 6 minutes? That seems like a while away. I am just going to have to battle through these next 6 minutes…… I’M STILL HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!! She just said chicken with brown butter and capers! Is she trying to have me die because of all this good food she is talking about but we can’t have at this moment? I am just going to have to pig out in about five minutes because it has been about a minute. I wonder what the meaning of life is?.......... I bet it is to eat as much as you can because you are so hungry!!!!! I am going to ask if I can have egg nog with dinner. No, rats! I wonder why that cheesecake she is talking about wasn’t sweet???????? I am hungry. Only three minutes more to wait! This is entertaining. I get to have sourdough bread with dinner. Mmmmmmmmmm…….. I just learned where the lids for insulated cups live. The place is marked by my doctor Seuss like bird house. That was fun to make. My bird house was the most original and wacky looking in my whole art class. In art this year we are making abstractions. I have to go and help get ready for dinner. Bye!
Now isn't that ridiculous!? Happy Holidays everyone and please vote on my polls because 2009 is running out and I still can't decide what to buy on itunes. Thanks!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
i have made a very important blogging decision!
I have decided to do a new "segment" if you will, on my blog! i am going to rate the best songs/movies and then compare my list to the actual list showed on itunes on most downloaded. i am going to do this every saturday/sunday so please check this so you can find out some really cool songs to download or listen to i amd going to do the top tens of all the movies/songs that i know and love. these might not be the most modern movies because some movies that are really good are from the '80s. i am starting this today so please read the list (above) of my top tens.
Awesome new Blog: i posted on it!
So my friend pielover has a freaking awesome blog called books that are actually good. I have decided to ask her if she would review a book on my blog! i'm sooooooo pumped and i hope that she will because otherwise i will be very angry! please go and read my post on her blog at, i realize that there is no poll at the bottom but i am working on that with her. Please go read it! my code name is bob on her site.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I apologize
Hey you guys! Sorry about not posting lately but I forgot my password and now I changed it so I can finally get back on my blog. Right now I am in sixth grade and I am totally loving it! My friend pielover has a blog called books that are actually good and if you want to go see her blog click on this link - It has a bunch of book reviews and then you can vote on a poll to say what you thought of the book that she has recently reviewed. I hope that if anyone actually reads this blog that I would love it for everyone who reads this to comment on her blog saying that I reccomended it to you. I would love that . Thanks you guys! Bye!
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