smiley face

smiley face

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 4: Pearl Harbor/ Pool/ Lanai

Yesterday we went to the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial. I took lots of pictures and one video but even though it was sad, it was also cool being over the ship where the brave servicemen used to be. These are pictures of the Memorial Center and the U.S.S. Arizona.

View from the center

From the wall of people who died in the attack

The next three are copies of newspapers from the time of the attack.

Here are some pictures of us at the Memorial Center.

Here is a video of the wall of the names of people who died. The first bit is of soilders who lived but when they died had chosen to be buried with their brothers in arms. I know that you can't read it very well but look at the amount of names.

On a lighter note, here are some pictures of the pool and the lanai.

That's all for today. Tomorrow- Pictures of Kailua Town and a local treat, a plate lunch!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Days 2 and 3: The House, The Beach, and The Mountains

I would like to start by saying that I somehow had a brain fart and I forgot to take pictures of the most important parts, the pool and the covered lanai!! Well don't worry b/c I will take a picture of them today and they will be on my next post. Well the title really describes what I took pictures of. I would like to note that pictures of me were taken by my mom. So, lets start w/ the house. These pictures I think are pretty much self explanatory.

My room

My parent's room

The bathroom

The outdoor shower

The reading nook

The kitchen

The dining room

The living room

Now here are some pictures of different beaches we went to.

The following are pictures of mountains and palm trees.

Here is the Hawaiian flag.

That's all for those 2 days. Tomorrow- pictures of Pearl Harbor!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 1 Picture Blog: We're finally here!

These are pictures from the plane. I was really groggy all day yesterday b/c I had to wake up at 4 in the morning to catch the first plane. Note: there are no pictures of my dad b/c he was unconscious the whole time.

I made some really silly faces!

My mom was really tired too butshe hid it better than me

These are some pictures of the islands.

That's all for yesterday.. tonight- pictures of the house!!!!!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

So.... When are we leaving?

So I think you should know that I now have my netbook and I am posting from it right now. But the bigger news is that I am going to Hawaii in 3 days!!!!!!!! I am also going to post pictures every day of the beach, my famiy at the beach, and the different beach houses. I wish that is was the 20th b/c I am going to go crazy. I know that I said we are going in 3 days but that is only technical, I'm not sure that I am going to count Monday in my long, long wait b/c that is the day that I am packing and going to bed early so we can wake up at 4 or 4:30 so we can catch our first plane which is at 7! I am also excited b/c I am going to take my netbook on the trip! Well I should probably go now and fantasize about the crystal clear water and the warm sand on the spectacular beaches.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Summer

Well, this summer has two big bangs and then it's pretty dull. So here are the high points of my summer. First, I am saving up to buy a laptop! I am babysitting as much as possible so i can raise up that $291 to buy an Asus Eee PC Netbook. Yes I am enough of a geek that I memorized the name, what can i say, I'm excited. Second, I am going to Hawaii! I am going in mid-July and am going to Oahu! I think, if you noted my use of quotation marks, that you will understand how excited I am and that it is all I can do not to jump off the couch and scream with joy. But on a more sane note, I am starting a small business in which we are going door-to-door and taking orders of some homemade bath products that we will make and deliver to the people in the next two weeks. Now this is all to save up for my laptop, and for her Microsoft Word, because that is one thing I must get soon. Another one of my goals is to read 5,000 pages over the summer. I think this will help my mind not forget everything I learned this past school year. Well, that's about it for my summer. So I guess it's full of very ambitious goals. I have my hands full.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


So this is what I am going to be feeling like on Tuesday, in bliss. I am really excited because I am going to go see Elton John with my parents on April tenth and that would be fun. I wish I had time to blog more but school and reading get in the way. I amd reading the Uglies series and it is soo good. I just finished the third book Specials and that was really good and so now I really want to get the last book Extras. I can't get it until Monday though so I guess I will have to fight through the rest of the weekend without a book. Above I am going to have a photo gallery of me and my friend Linnea. Bye!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow (that really cold stuff that falls from the sky)

Yesterday in Texas it snowed!!!! NOw imagine that you just got the one thing that you always wanted but thought you'd never get along with the fact that you are going to the place where you always wanted to go to, think of all that happiness inside you and then multiply it by about 4, that would be the happiness I felt when I saw the snow covered rooftops and the snow sprinkling the ground, in Texas. Yesterday i got out at 2:30 from school when we normally get out at 3:52 and today school starts at 10:17 instead of 8:17 all because of the snow. I am on cloud nine!